Esperanto-Toronto fieras anonci ke ni organizos la Dulandan Kongreson de la Kanada Esperanto-Asocio kaj Esperanto-USA, okazonta la 11an ĝis la 14a de julio, 2025. Plena informo troviĝas ĉe
Ankaŭ la Nordamerika Somera Kursaro (NASK) okazos en Toronto, tuj antaŭ la kongreso. NASK estas plena unu-semajna kurso de Esperanto ofertita je diversaj niveloj. Informo pri NASK aperos baldaŭ.
Esperanto-Toronto is proud to announce that we are organizing the Two-Nation (Dulanda) Esperanto Conference of the Canadian Esperanto Association and Esperanto-USA, taking place July 11-14, 2025. More information is available at
Also, the North American Summer Course (NASK) will take place in Toronto, right before the conference. NASK is a full one-week course in Esperanto offered at various levels. Information about NASK will appear soon.
Pro veterprognozo de fulmotondro, ni decidis aranĝi subtegmentan eventon, anstataŭ la originala plano de Centre Island. Ni renkontiĝos je 1230 ĉe “Shamrock Bowl and Restobar” por 5-kegla kegloludo. La 5-kegla versio de kegloludo estas specialaĵo de Toronto kaj Ontario, kaj ĝi aparte taŭgas por ĉiuj aĝoj kaj kapabloj, ĉar la pilko estas relative malpeza kaj malgranda. Manĝaĵo aĉetablas ĉe la kegloludejo. Ankaŭ, la kegloludejo troviĝas en la kvartalo “Eta Barato,” kaj ankaŭ estas bierfarejo apude – Godspeed Brewery, do diversaj eblecoj ekzistas por ekskursoj post la kegloludado. Por samtagaj ĝisdatigoj bonvolu aliĝi al la Telegram-grupo
As usual, we will participate in the worldwide event program “Paralela Universo”.
Because there is a thunderstorm predicted, we decided to do an indoor event instead of the original plan of Cenre Island. We’ll meet at 1230 at the “Shamrock Bowl and Restobar” for 5-pin bowling. The 5-pin version of bowling is a specialty of Toronto and Ontario, and it is well suited for all ages and abilities, because the ball is relatively small and light. Food is available at the bowling alley. Also, the bowling alley is in the neighborhood “Little India,” and there is also a brewery nearby – Godspeed Brewery, so there are various options for destinations after the bowling. For real-time updates please join the Telegram group.
Information about club communication resources and meetings.
First, the google group. This is our chosen format for an email distribution list. We post announcements there, and everyone subscribed to the list receives them. You can subscribe via the link.
You can also email the whole group. Just send your email to Currently the group is not highly moderated. We haven’t had problems with spam so far. If we do, we will implement a moderation system to screen posts, but we haven’t felt the need yet.
If you only want to email the leadership of the club, not all the members, you can send a message to the club’s email address,
We use to announce and advertise events. Historically this has been a good place to advertise for us and has helped us attract many new members and people getting casually interested in Esperanto. If you plan to attend an event, we encourage you to RSVP on Meetup. RSVPs encourage other members to attend, and help grow our events. Also, it is helpful to know if people are coming, in case the group moves around, which we generally do during our Social Meetings (see below).
Telegram is a messaging app for smartphones, much like Whatsapp or Signal. It can also be used on a desktop computer. Telegram seems to be especially popular among Esperantists worldwide. We have a telegram group for our club, called “Torontanoj.” We use this frequently during events. So if you are showing up late and want to ask “Where are you guys?” this is the best method.
We have a Facebook group, although we don’t use it as much as we could. Posts by our members relevant to Esperanto in Toronto are always welcome.
Twitter / X
Again, we don’t use this is much as we could. If you would like to manage the club’s Twitter account and make it more active, please let us know.
Ongoing events.
Zamenhof-festo: Our club always has a party in the Christmas season, and usually it includes a general meeting of the membership and elections of club officers. This is typically scheduled on a Saturday close to Zamenhof’s birthday, Dec. 15.
Socia-kunveno: After a long pandemic pause, we are back to meeting monthly in person. We meet first at a coffee shop at 6pm, and then proceed to a restaurant at 7:30, with those present choosing the restaurant. This has been our system for a long time, and although it is a bit complicated going to two places, we find that it works best this way. It’s too hard to get everyone to show up at the same time to a restaurant on a weeknight otherwise. Currently we are having our meetings at the food court tables of the Loblaws supermarket at 60 Carlton St. It is quiet and although food and drink are easily available, there is not much pressure to buy anything if you prefer not to.
The socia kunveno happens once a month on a Wednesday night. We generally schedule it for the first Wednesday of the month. However, this is flexible, and if there is a guest visiting Toronto, we try to accommodate them by scheduling the meeting on a date when they can attend.
Esperanto Conversation for Beginners – This is a weekly get-together that has been running virtually for a few years. It has become something of a worldwide meeting, not necessarily limited to people in Toronto, but it is still managed by our club. We try to have at least one “host” for every meeting to make sure there is someone there to greet newcomers. If you’d like to sign up to host, here’s a spreadsheet:
We are interested in recruiting a stable permanent host but are still looking for a volunteer for this role.
Other Repeating Events to be Aware of:
MeKaRo – Mez-Kanada Renktontiĝo is an annual long weekend get-together in Central Canada, generally alternating between locations in Ontario and Quebec. The Toronto club hosted it in Midland, ON, in 2023. Quebec is expected to host in 2024. In 2025, we are considering hosting it in Peterborough. MeKaRo is one of the largest regional Esperanto events in North America, and takes place every year on Victoria Day weekend in May. Information will appear on
ARE – Aŭtuna Renkontiĝo de Esperanto is another long weekend get-together, occurring over Columbus Day / Canadian Thanksgiving in October. It takes place in upstate New York, with the location varying year to year. It attracts a number of Esperantists from Ontario and Quebec as well as the Northeast US.
Paralela Universo – a one-day celebration of local Esperanto groups sees simultaneous events occurring in cities worldwide, typically including 20-30 groups. Our club in Toronto was central to founding this event and continues to put on an event every year. This takes place on the third Saturday of August.